Friday, May 30, 2008

On Internet Addiction and Why it May Lead to the Unintentional Destruction of My Computer

The situation is tense.  I'm surrounded by rolling luggage and men in suits walking briskly through London Heathrow Airport.  My flight to Tbilisi leaves in 8 hours so to kill time I purchased a day's worth of wi-fi access.  Trouble is my battery is down to 30 percent and falling fast.  I found an outlet positioned tragically close to a duty free French Connection boutique, which happens to be filling my side of the airport with this incessant high bass Euro-electric lounge music (the kind of shit you'd expect in France).

Anyway, I'm not consumed with trepidation because of the airport's ambiance, I'm worried about frying my MacBook by plugging it into this 220V outlet.  I've got a converter that can give me a 50 or 1600 Watt conversion but I don't know which to select.  The wrong one could mean the end of my MacBook but inaction means languishing in this airport for 7 more hours sans internet.  I'm pretty sure these laptop power cords have somewhat of a built-in surge protector but I feel like I'm really rolling the di...hold it.... hold it....OK!

Wow thanks to a timely instant message from my soon-to-be-friend in Georgia it seems I don't need a converter at all—just a plug adapter, which I already have.  This is good, things are happening, wheels turning, planets aligning, stay tuned...


Sk said...

Do you ever apply deodorant to your fingertips?

John Hudson said...

Na, you?