Anyway, I'm not consumed with trepidation because of the airport's ambiance, I'm worried about frying my MacBook by plugging it into this 220V outlet. I've got a converter that can give me a 50 or 1600 Watt conversion but I don't know which to select. The wrong one could mean the end of my MacBook but inaction means languishing in this airport for 7 more hours sans internet. I'm pretty sure these laptop power cords have somewhat of a built-in surge protector but I feel like I'm really rolling the di...hold it.... hold it....OK!
Wow thanks to a timely instant message from my soon-to-be-friend in Georgia it seems I don't need a converter at all—just a plug adapter, which I already have. This is good, things are happening, wheels turning, planets aligning, stay tuned...
Do you ever apply deodorant to your fingertips?
Na, you?
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